The Committee
Our Chairman Sharman Birtles MBE JP DL supported by the Choir Secretary Mary-Liz Walker JP DL; general and financial matters undertaken by the Co-ordinator and Treasurer Martin Lupton. Additional support by Judith Marsden and Keith Bonner, including choir school liaison, and Liz Hanson and Anne McWhirter

Message from the Chairman
I am honoured to have been asked to be The Chairman of The Manchester & Districts Hospitals’ Choir whose hard work and dedication not only provide a wonderful way to start Christmas at their two Bridgewater Hall Christmas Concerts but also because of the hundreds of thousands they have raised for the wonderful Charity they support, exclusively.
If you have yet to attend one of their concerts you have a great treat in store and it helps towards raising much needed cash for this most worthwhile of Charities, CLIC Sargent.
CLIC Sargent, full details of which you can find elsewhere in this website, helps and supports not only children and young people with cancer, but also their families. The support of CLIC Sargent makes a huge difference in helping alleviate and deal with the stress and problems associated with a child being diagnosed with cancer.
To help the choir, made up of medical and nursing staff from throughout the region and who, voluntarily, give up their valuable time supporting CLIC Sargent, please come along and join in one of these concerts to help raise funds for this fantastic charity.
We look forward to welcoming you
Sharman Birtles MBE JP DL Chairman Manchester & Districts Hospitals’ Choir
Choir Organisers
Bolton: Principal Contact: Judith Marsden Mob. 07766 194496
East Lancashire: Principal Contact: Adelle Archer Mob. 07946 748770
Manchester: Principal Contact: Margaret Stanley
Stockport: Principal Contact: Lesley Smith
Choir Matters including new member enquiries should be directed to the Organiser appropriate to their preferred location – please see above
General and Financial Enquiries
Treasurer: Martin Lupton 0161 973 0103 Mob: 07976 408509
School Liason
Judith Marsden: Mob. 07766 194496
Keith Bonner: Mob. 07500 062307